Iron and steel metallurgy industry application scenarios
CO₂ is recovered from flue gas, lime kiln gas, blast furnace or converter gas, and is used as converter steel blowing gas, steelmaking reaction medium, and steelmaking protective gas. Or used as raw material for chemical production, liquid CO₂ sales (can be food grade), dry ice sales, to realize carbon emission reduction.
Widely used in CO, CO₂, H₂ recovery and purification as well as air separation oxygen production, coke oven gas purification and other industrial gas separation fields.
For LNG production from coke oven gas and hydrogen takeaway
Desulfurization of various high sulfur flue gases, desulfurization of flue gas after coke oven gas combustion and sulfuric acid production.
Recovery of CO2 from flue gas, lime kiln gas, blast furnace or converter gas, used for CO2 steelmaking, raw material for chemical production, liquid CO2 sales, carbon emission reduction.
Used for the recovery and recycling of waste acid from cold rolling, silicon steel and other pickling lines.
All kinds of high sulfur flue gas desulfurization, flue gas desulfurization after coke oven gas combustion and sulfuric acid production. Widely used in desulfurization treatment in thermal power plants, steel smelting and other industries.
Hydrogen production from coke oven gas, production of low-cost rolled steel protection with hydrogen, takeaway high-purity hydrogen, ironmaking reduction gas
Improve the calorific value of blast furnace gas, produce CO from blast furnace and converter gas, and use high purity CO as chemical raw material to improve added value.
Low-cost oxygen is used for oxygen enrichment of blast furnaces, reducing coke usage to increase production capacity and reduce costs.
Desulfurization of coke oven gas, desulfurization of coke oven gas, desulfurization of coke oven gas, desulfurization of coke oven gas, desulfurization of coke oven gas, desulfurization of coke oven gas, desulfurization of coke oven gas, desulfurization of coke oven gas and production of sulfuric acid